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Hire a Hauschild SpeedMixer
Make Your Own Air Free Product

Productive Innovations Limited - Rent a SpeedMixer in England,
Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Finland, Sweden and Norway.

Productive Innovations Ltd - Hauschild-SpeedMixer.UK

First Appointed U.K Distributor - Trusted Service Partner for Hauschild
for Great Britain,
Ireland, Northern Ireland + Scandinavia.

DAC SpeedMixer History
Speed Mixer For Hire
SpeedMixer - Made In Germany








DAC + SMART-DAC Hauschild® SpeedMixer® 
for short, medium or long term rent


In The Last 50 Years (1974-2024) 

You Name It - We've Mixed It!

        AirLess, Bladeless SpeedMixingMix

- Mix Products With No Bubbles  - 

- No Waste  - 

- No Clean Up  - 

- No Mixing Blade -

- No Break Down -

- No Hassle -

Are you #MixingWithTheBest!?


Rent a Hauschild SpeedMixer® to mix materials homogeneously :-

Low - High Viscosity Pastes, Fillers, Powders, Solvents &  Liquids

Blend, Mix, Emulsify, Disperse, Grind, Homogenise, Mill
in a bladeless h
igh sheer mixer

'Hot Swap' between container sizes in seconds

Formulate a 'Single Sample' or 'Batch Process' in a lab / for production

Chilled / Inert Gas Environment

Temperature Controlled Conditions 

Vacuum Degassing (Under Full / Partial Vacuum)

. . . . . Or Simply Process At Ambient

​For 50 Years Hauschild SpeedMixer® have hand built the
AC + SMART-DAC instruments at their only factory in Hamm, Germany.

 Precision engineered to be SAFE & RELIABLE, consistent, ecconomical, fast, fully repeatable, robust for material formulation.  Incorporating vacuum degassing

and  non vacuum models all with variable speed control and digital programs.

Hauschild - 100% committed to new and existing customers offering technical support, competancy training, product demonstrations, OEM component parts, on-site servicing, preventative maintainance, accessories & consumables fully guaranteed by OEM guarentee. Precision engineered in Germany.

Rent or Buy a DAC + SMART-DAC Hauschild SpeedMixer®
Our entire 2024 mixer range is listed below. 
Rental instruments subject to availability. 





















Every Hauschild product is available to purchase world wide 

through authorised distribution partners. Details here

Browse our website for comprehensive details on the entire Original Hauschild SpeedMixer® product portfolio, technologies and applications.

If you are new to bladeless mixing, please view our media page for
a few quick self explanato
ry visuals.

Free no obligation DEMO, HEALTH CHECK or QUOTATION for a Hauschild SpeedMixer® 

Do be aware, that despite certain claims, no other company is able to source, supply, service or sell Hauschild SpeedMixer®
instruments, OEM parts, accessories or consumables within our defined geographical regions.
Read more here

Are you #MixingWithTheBest!?

SpeedMixer Product Range 2024
Hire a Speed Mixer

Rent a Hauschild SpeedMixer® - Revolutionary from the start !


DAC 150 Speedy Mixer
Do Not Icon
DAC150 Hauschild SpeedMixer®
Timed Icon
Hauschild SpeedMixer® Mixed Product
DAC 600 Hauschild® SpeedMixer
Bubble Icon
Repeat Icon


With no mixing blade 100% of mixed can be used. Eliminate waste material, reduce costs and eliminate solvent use by being clean.


Mixing can take just seconds!
Hauschild SpeedMixer® operates at up to 3500 rev's per minute.
That's fast! 

Mixing begins the moment you press start. Why wait any longer?


Air bubbles are removed as part of the mixing process. No mixing blade / impeller means no entrapped air. All VAC-P Hauschild SpeedMixer®    products have vacuum degassing capability, for that extra peace of mind.


Digitally programmable machines allow for multi stage processing. Variable speed can be used with out the need to stop. Each function is ensures fully consistent, repeatable results every time.

© Copyright Protected 2021-2025 - Productive Innovations Limited

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