2025 Hauschild SpeedMixer® Portfolio
Productive Innovations - Hauschild-SpeedMixer.UK
First U.K Distributor + Servicing Partner for Hauschild SpeedMixer® DAC + SMART-DAC Instruments serving U.K, Ireland,
Northern Ireland, and Scandinavia.

NEW SMART-DAC Hauschild SpeedMixer®

Hauschild SpeedMixer® Three Stage Mixing, Before, During and After.

Powder Pigments able to be ground and dispersed by the Hauschild SpeedMixer®

NEW SMART-DAC Hauschild SpeedMixer®
2025 Hauschild SpeedMixer® Product Portfolio
All Precision Engineered + Built In Germany
Vacuum Degassing, Mixing, Grinding, Milling & Dispersing 1gm - 2kg / 3.75ltr (1 US Gallon)
Every genuine Hauschild SpeedMixer® incorporates original DAC Technology.
Capable of mixing various batch processing weights from 1gm up to 16ltr,
with or without vacuum degassing capability.
September 2021 saw Hauschild SpeedMixer® unveil their
revolutionary SMART-DAC formulation instruments to the world.
2023 - the larger 1US Gallon L.R (Long Radius) was unveiled
with 1.1kg, 1.5kg + 2.0kg instruments with 3.78ltr pail capacities.
2024 bought 2.2kg, 3.0kg + 4,0kg DOUBLE BASKET Smart-DAC L.R (Long Radius).
Each will accept 2 x 3.78ltr pails.
The additional portfolio compliments industry leading Hauschild SpeedMixer® DAC machines
offering as standard - Vacuum Degassing / Non-Vacuum capabilities, Robotic + Robotic Vacuum with
High Volume, Long Radius and CM - Custom Made Bespoke formulation instruments.
Click on pictures above to explore the No1 world leading bladeless material mixer range.
For an obligation FREE Hauschild SpeedMixer® discussion, presentation or
product demonstration on-line or on-site, please
pick up the phone or click here now.
Despite certain claims, no other company is able to source, provide or maintain original Hauschild SpeedMixer® instruments, OEM parts, equipment, accessories or consumables in our geographical territories. Read more here.
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