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SMART-DAC 1100.3 FVZ SpeedMixer
1.1kg, MEDIUM sized material mixer

SMART-DAC 1100.3 FVZ - 1.1kg / 2.8ltr Capacity SpeedMixer
The SMART-DAC 1100.3 Hauschild SpeedMixer® will mix a batch size weighing up to 1.1kg and volumetrically up to 2800ml.
There is no vacuum degassing facility with this SpeedMixer. The SMART-DAC1100.4 does have a vacuum facility.
In any of the SpeedMixer instruments you can use a multiple holder for Mix Cups, syringes or laboratory vials to process more than one container in a batch, simultaneously.
These precision instruments are ideal for an R&D Formulation laboratory. These can be bench top mounted or stood on a robust, ergonomic Hauschild stand. SMART DAC's are powered by a standard 110v or 230v mains lead and plug.

Other Hauschild SpeedMixer® instruments (1gm-2kg)

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