Productive Innovations are the exclusive distributor for
Hauschild SpeedMixer® in the U.K and Ireland.
THE 1974 PIONEER - DAC Air Free Material Mixing
SURFEX 2024 - Setting Standards Hard To Copy
Manufacturing For 50 Years (1974 - 2024)
Hauschild SpeedMixer® - The Real One
Hauschild SpeedMixer® - The REAL ONE. Stand 301 4th + 5th of July 2024, Coventry.
A signifcant exhibition for all our new and exisiting U.K customers.
See the Hauschild SMART-DAC and revolutionary advances in mixing technology.
Compare previous Hauschild SpeedMixer® DAC models and use them yourself.
See how easy it is to mix AIR-FREE product with LIVE, instant mixing demonstrations.
We are the first company ever appointed as an official authorised U.K distributor
and trusted servicing partner of Hauschild SpeedMixer®.
To confirm this before hand click here
All Huaschild U.K, Irish and Scandinavian existing customers are welcome.
We look forward to seeing you in June.
What Hauschild-SpeedMixer.UK offer : -
We will support any company who owns genuine Hauschild SpeedMixer®
instruments that may have been mislead before now.
Offering only SAFE and RELIABLE genuine OEM Hauschild products we pride
our selves in our 'Customer First and Formost' ethos.
Are you #MixingWithTheBest !?