SpeedMixer Containers, Mix Cups, Jars, Pots & Tubs from Productive Innovations

SpeedMixer Cups showing Three Stage Mixing, Before, During and After in the DAC150.1 Series Hauschild SpeedMixer®.

SpeedMixer Containers, Mix Cups, Jars, Pots & Tubs from Productive Innovations
SpeedMixer Containers, PP Mix Cups,
Max Cups, Jars, Pots + Tubs.

Hauschild PP Mix Cups + Holders

Hauschild PP Mix Cups from Productive Innovations

PP Mix Cups showing Three Stage Mixing, Before, During and After in the DAC150.1 Series Hauschild SpeedMixer®.

Hauschild PP Mix Cups + Holders
SpeedMixer Mix Cup, Max Cup, Jars, Pots + Tubs
The DAC Hauschild SpeedMixer® has gained a world wide reputation for repeatable, consistent materials formulation mixing.
Aside from the actual mixing instrument, the mixing container is also a critical factor in achieving this renowned level of success.
A DAC SpeedMixer formulates products / materials inside a removable container. These are referred to as mix cup, pp, mix cup, max cup, jar, pot, tub.
Mix in any type of container - syringe, cartridge, laboratory vials or in house containers you use on mass.
Formulate a single sample or as a batch process - Using a multi cavity holder to increase productivity. Bespoke holders are available so please talk with us about what you require.
Left: - Multiple Syringe Holder
Centre: - Standard Syringes + Cartridges
Right: - Custom Bottle Holder
Simultaneous processing of 2+ recepticles as one batch, is perfectly feasible so contact us for details.
We supply holders for the old American Max Cups and all German PP Mix Cups as well as those for , syringes, cartridges and vacuum degassing in a small or medium sized DAC SpeedMixer
Grinding + Milling in a SpeedMixer
Are you aware our Stainless Steel Pulverising Rings are for wet or dry grinding / milling.
Click on the images for more information or product data.
What ever you use or need to process or mix your material product(s) in : -
With #50Years experience Hauschild SpeedMixer® offer the SAFE solution that will work tomorrow.
Are you #MixingWithTheBest !?
Click on the "50 Years" image below to see
the Hauschild factory in Germany